
Campus Assessment

Campus climate assessment is an important first step in determining how to support religious diversity and foster interfaith cooperation on campus.


At Interfaith America, we understand the important role assessment plays in guiding strategic interfaith efforts on campus. The INSPIRES Index is a valuable tool that can help faculty, staff, and administrators better understand their institution’s strengths and growth areas when it comes to the climate for religious diversity. INSPIRES draws on learnings from the Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey (IDEALS) and provides data-driven guidance on facets of the campus climate that matter most to students and warrant attention from institutional leaders. INSPIRES was created – and is administered – by the same researchers behind IDEALS. We have partnered with them to facilitate participation among Interfaith America’s campus partners and to support efforts to advance campus change through use of this tool.

Participate in INSPIRES

The survey for INSPIRES is open each year from mid-August to mid-December and it is free to participate. Institutions will receive a custom report of their results in the spring following their completion of the survey; there is also an opportunity for campus leaders to update their existing survey responses each fall. Participating in INSPIRES makes campuses eligible for certain Interfaith America grant opportunities, provides foundational information for a campus consultation with Interfaith America, and can facilitate other types of campus planning. Sign up today by emailing [email protected].

Feature Article

A university professor addressing students during a lecture. (Tom Werner/Getty Images)
At Interfaith America, we are deeply committed to learning from and applying relevant research to advance pluralism on campus, as evidenced by our longstanding investment in IDEALS. As such, we are eager to help higher education leaders advance data-driven change by translating INSPIRES results into concrete action steps to make the collegiate environment more welcoming for all students. We offer an array of resources and tools that can help you turn your vision for religious diversity and interfaith cooperation into a reality.

Inspires index

Get Your Link

Email the INSPIRES team at [email protected] to request your unique survey link and begin completing the INSPIRES Campus Climate Index today.

Contact Us

Please reach out if you have questions about participating in INSPIRES or would like to make meaning of your INSPIRES findings with help from our team at Interfaith America.  

Shauna Morin

Director of Program Operations & Evaluation

Interfaith America